Distributed Energy Resources Aggregation

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Aggregation

NYISO's wholesale market modeled on the FERC Order 2222 for aggregation of DERs.

NYISO's Wholesale Market

Learn more about NYISO's wholesale market for DER aggregations from NYISO's manual.

FERC Order 2222

Learn more about FERC's full Order 2222 to establish a wholesale market for DER aggregations from the FERC Order 2222.

If you have any further questions about DER Aggregations, please contact NY_DER_Aggregations@avangrid.com.

Requirements, FAQs, and Useful Links

Asset Publisher

All facilities that are part of a DER Aggregation must be existing RG&E customers and on the same Transmission Node. All individual DER facilities that will inject Energy onto a distribution system or the transmission system must have an executed Interconnection Agreement.

Aggregator must complete NYISO’s registration process prior to any DER Aggregation enrollments being processed.

Since the electricity market varies in real time, an interval meter – a meter that records usage over a period of time is required for accurate settlement. Please note, an interval meter requires a dedicated telecommunications landline for communications. If you do not currently have an interval meter installed, please contact our Call Center at 800-572-1111 (Mon-Fri, 7am-7pm).

NYISO Meter Requirements

All facilities that are part of a DER Aggregation must be existing RG&E customers on the same Transmission Node.

Steps to determine the Transmission Node PTID

RG&E Hosting Capacity Maps:

  1. Navigate to the hosting capacity maps: RG&E PV Hosting Capacity (arcgis.com)
  2. Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
  3. Click ‘OK’
  4. Enter the address of the location of the DER facility in the upper lefthand portion of the window
  5. Click on the section of conductor supplying the facility
  6. A window will open with Nodal Level attributes and the Transmission Node will be displayed

If you are an Aggregator looking to connect communications to our system, please contact IPPInfo@Avangrid.com. Before DER Aggregations can be enrolled, the Aggregator must complete telemetry setup with RG&E. Please note, this process can take several months to complete.

DER Aggregation Facilities can only be a part of one aggregation at a time.

To ensure the safety and reliability of the electric system, there is a continuous need to balance loads and resources. Real time telemetry is required to facilitate balancing of the system. Specific telemetry requirements can be found in Section 7.3 of the NYISO Aggregation Manual.

  • Letter Of Authorization (LOA): documents to be provided upon enrollment.
  • Wholesale Distribution Service Agreement (rate change): documents to be provided upon enrollment.
  • Authorization allowing the Aggregator access to DER’s revenue grade metering data: NYISO Meter Requirements

DER, or Distributed Energy Resource, covers a wide range of resources, such as rooftop solar PV, battery energy storage systems, energy efficiency measures, demand response – smart thermostats, managed electric vehicle charging, and thermal energy storage.

We are here to help. To get started, refer to the NYISO DER & Aggregation Participation Model.

Yes, a combination of multiple types of DERs (solar PV and energy storage) can participate even if providing multiple services such as capacity and energy.

Yes, since the electricity market varies in real time, an interval meter – a meter that records usage and exports the time of usage – is required for accurate settlement.  Check requirements at NYISO Metering Requirements. For assistance in determining type of meter, please contact our Call Center at 800-743-2110 (Monday – Friday, 7am - 7pm (excluding holidays)).

RG&E’s wholesale tariff has not yet been approved. However, the latest wholesale distribution tariff can be found in our Rates and Tariffs. Please refer to our Useful Links below.

No, duplicative compensation – being compensated for the same service – is not allowed.

Yes, to ensure the safety and reliability of the electric system, there is a continuous need to balance loads and resources.  Real time telemetry is required to facilitate balancing of the system. Specific telemetry requirements can be found in the Section 7.3 of the NYISO Aggregation Manual document.

No, DER facilities participating in an aggregation must be interconnected to the same NYISO zone, and transmission node (t-node). To determine your t-node use this link for Hosting Capacity Maps.

RG&E currently has Hosting Capacity Maps which are updated routinely to help facilitate locating DER interconnections.

The minimum size of an individual facility participating in an aggregation is 10 kW, which can comprise several smaller assets at the same facility, as long as the total is a minimum of 10 kW. The minimum size of an aggregation is 100 kW. The maximum ‘facility’ size is 20MW of injection – there is not upper limit on Aggregation size, and no upper limit on facility size for Demand Response.

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