Help With Your Bill
We have many services designed to meet a variety of needs for you and your family.

Understand Your Usage
Understanding your energy use can help you manage your monthly bills. Learn about tips to reduce your energy use while maintaining your comfort.

Budget Billing
Spread your energy costs evenly over 12 months for more predictable monthly payments.
Payment Arrangements
If you’re having trouble paying your full account balance, we can help. We offer online payment arrangements to eligible customers. Simply log in to My Account to see if you have an available payment plan offer for your account and enroll online. Don’t see an online payment agreement? You may still qualify. Contact us at 877.266.3492 and we’ll work with you to review available options, consider your individual needs and income, and work out a down payment and payment schedule. We may also be able to refer you to an agency that can offer other financial assistance.

Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) provides rental relief and utility relief payments to help eligible renters maintain housing stability. New applications are no longer being accepted by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance after January 20, 2023, but if you have been approved for a benefit and have questions, please call 844-NY1RENT (844.691.7368).
Life Support Users
We want to know you are safe. We offer special, personalized benefits and services for customers with life-sustaining equipment.
Additional Services to Help With Your Bill
We don’t want to disconnect your electricity or natural gas service for nonpayment. If you are having difficulty paying your bill, please call us at 877.266.3492 (Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., excluding holidays). The sooner you call, the sooner we can work together on a solution. Here are a few of the services we have to assist you.
Our Friendly Reminder Third Party Notification service offers you extra peace of mind. A friend, agency or organization you choose will receive a copy of any important notices we may send to you. Interested? Print, complete and send us this Third Party Notification Service form.
If you use a telephone (TTY) device in your home, just dial 711 and ask the New York Relay Service operator to contact us at 800.743.2110.
For customers who prefer to speak a language other than English, we offer interpreter services when you call.
With one call you can place your bill on hold for 30 days if you or a household member are hospitalized.
Your bill and our EnergyLines newsletter are available in large print at no charge.
If you or someone you know is blind, we can send a braille bill. Both bills, the original and the braille version, will be provided and there is no charge for this service.
If you are an older adult (62 years of age or older) or are blind or disabled and ALL members of your household are older adults, blind, disabled or under 18 years of age, you have additional protections available under New York State law. These protections include an obligation to make special efforts to maintain your service. We will contact you at least three (3) days before a disconnection for nonpayment to work with you on a fair payment plan. If an agreement cannot be reached, we will notify the Department of Social Services and will continue your service another 15 days. If service is disconnected, we will try to contact you again within 10 days to offer a plan to restore service.
If you are 62 years of age or older and you meet guidelines specified by New York State law, you may pay your bill on a quarterly basis rather than each month. To qualify, you must be a residential customer whose annual billing is $150 or less.
211 New York can connect you to services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including holidays. Agents can connect you to information and services you need, and the call is free and confidential. You can learn more about this service, including if it is available in your area, by visiting
Helpful Information:
- We are Here to Help You Fact Sheet
- Budget Billing Fact Sheet
- Understand and Manage Your Monthly Energy Bill Fact Sheet
- Extreme weather and protections