Retrocommissioning Program

Retrocommissioning Program

Our Retrocommissioning (RCx) Program offers FREE RCx studies to commercial and industrial electric customers of any size. RCx studies are intended to find cost effective facility improvements with low payback periods. This offering is in conjunction with the NYSERDA FlexTech Program.

What We Offer

Download our RCx Program Overview for a sharable program summary.

Improve your energy efficiency by leveraging existing equipment.

RCx is a systematic procedure guided by a Technical Service Provider that aims to improve the performance of existing building systems. To ensure that existing buildings and industrial facilities operate effectively, RCx is used to identify and execute maintenance and operational improvements. The main objective is to improve occupant comfort and functionality while simultaneously increasing energy efficiency, lowering consumption, and guaranteeing the systems' long-term optimal performance.

Through the RCx program, commercial and industrial organizations may significantly reduce their energy costs with tailored energy solutions:

Large Commercial RCx: This is ideal for facilities larger than 150,000 square feet since it dives deeper into extensive system checks and adjustments to optimize HVAC and lighting performance.

Large Industrial RCx: Best suited for industrial customers with:

  • Industrial Compressed Air plants with over 500 HP of active compressed air.
  • Industrial Process Cooling systems designed for 500 tons of non-backup peak process cooling.
  • Industrial Refrigeration systems over 500 HP of non-backup peak refrigeration.

Express Building Tune-Up (EBTU): EBTU is a Retrocommissioning offering that is ideal for commercial facilities less than 150,000 square feet. This solution offers rapid benefits via optimizing current systems to increase productivity.

Who is Eligible

Non-residential buildings:

  • Must have at least one active electric account.
  • Large commercial and industrial (C&I) RCx offerings must have existing EMS/BMS/SCADA w/ data trending capabilities.
  • Annual operating hours should be more than 4,000 hours per year.
  • Large ommercial and industrial (C&I) RCx recipients will require a willingness to invest a minimum of $5,000 to implement the identified improvement opportunities. Additional rebates may be available to reduce the cost of project implementation.
  • EBTU recipients are not required to invest a minimum amount for project implementation. 

How to Apply

If you're ready to get started and benefit from the Retrocommissioning program, contact the RCx Program Team at:

Find a Technical Service Provider

To ensure the success of your Retrocommissioning project, a Technical Service Provider will perform an in-depth investigation and assessment and walk you through the process.

You just need to implement the identified saving strategies and enjoy the savings!

If you are looking for a contractor, our Trade Ally Network includes qualified commercial contractors and energy experts to help you with all your energy efficiency needs. Find a qualified commercial contractor here.

You may also view a list of commercial contractors and energy experts here.

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