NYSEG and RG&E Release New Self-Service Tools for Installations, Job Status

Improved process for new service construction, upgrades, relocations 

Shorter wait times for contractors, new home installations

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. — August 8, 2023 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) today announced a suite of improvements to their energy installations services. 

“In partnership with our customers, we’ve been focusing on improving the process for new electric and gas service installations, or when they are upgrading service, relocating service, or replacing equipment,” said Trish Nilsen, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “This suite of upgrades, like the ability to quickly check a job status online, will especially help builders and contractors in our service areas.”

The first improvement is designed to reduce any backlog of calls for energy services installation. The Companies are now answering these more quickly, most within 30 seconds.

The Companies’ online application for new installations has been redesigned to be more intuitive and robust. The new format not only reduces the time to process applications, but customers and contractors can now upload and link documents so that they can reuse the details of their project. This enhanced tool lays the groundwork for a fully automated application process as well as a builder’s portal and online payment capability that will debut later this year.

The new online job status tool provides an automated job status update, and can be easily accessed on any mobile, desktop, or tablet device. The site instantly provides information that contractors previously needed to speak with a customer representative to obtain, like the status of tree trimming, inspections, scheduling, and installation status. The tool also lists assignments of tasks so contractors can view any outstanding actions they might need to address, without having to call in or wonder about next steps. You can find the tool here for NYSEG and here for RG&E.

These updates streamline the way many of the Companies’ builder and contractor customers interface on their sometimes numerous requests for electric and gas service, improving their experience and acknowledging the value of their time. It’s another way NYSEG and RG&E are improving customer service, in addition to the hiring, training, and focus on providing an enhanced experience to customers over the past year. More improvements, including the Companies’ Builder’s Portal, will be announced in the coming months.

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