Providing Safe, Reliable Service a Top Priority All Year Long

Rochester, NY – With the possibility of another sizzling summer ahead, NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA, are ready to deliver the power customers need.

“While providing safe, reliable service to our customers is a top priority all year long, we work even harder before the high-demand summer months to ensure our systems are in good working order and ready to meet our customers’ power needs,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E.

To get ready for higher summer electricity demand, NYSEG and RG&E accelerate reliability practices including:
• Vegetation management. (Trees coming into contact with power lines are a leading cause of power interruptions.)
• Ongoing comprehensive maintenance.
• Visual and infrared inspections of equipment.
• Helicopter patrols of key facilities.
• As warranted, high-tech inspection and testing of substation equipment.

Records for Electricity Demand
“Load” is the total electricity demand by all customers at a point in time, and it is a good real-time indicator of how much electricity is being consumed. Peak loads are usually driven by weather and economic conditions. Below are NYSEG’s and RG&E’s summer 2013 peak loads and all-time record peak loads. (Note: A megawatt serves approximately 800 to 1,000 homes.)

>> NYSEG’s summer 2013 peak load: 3,288 megawatts (mw) on July 17
(NYSEG’s all-time record peak load: 3,345 mw on July 21, 2011)

>> RG&E’s summer 2013 peak load: 1,672 mw on July 17
(RG&E’s all-time record peak load: 1,752 mw on July 21, 2011)
How to Use Energy Wisely This Summer
NYSEG and RG&E always encourage customers to use energy wisely – here are some tips:
• Keep curtains or blinds closed on hot, sunny days.
• Close windows and doors during the hottest parts of the day to keep heat out.
• Use fans instead of air conditioners.
• When you do use air conditioners, keep the thermostat set at 78 degrees or higher.
• Turn off air conditioners when you leave home.
• Turn off unused lights, TVs, computers and other electronic equipment.
• When weather permits, dry laundry outside instead of using a clothes dryer.
For more information on using energy wisely, visit http://bit.ly/mgr9kv  or http://bit.ly/jFBsc7.

Be Prepared for Power Interruptions
Summer also means the likelihood of occasional strong thunderstorms that can cause lightning-quick damage to electricity delivery systems. NYSEG and RG&E encourage customers to always be prepared for power interruptions. More information is available in the companies’ Weathering Storm Emergencies information sheet at http://bit.ly/Kc53Jk and http://bit.ly/L9K58B.

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