NYSEG and RG&E’s Project SHARE Heating Fund Receives Boost from The Iberdrola USA Foundation, Dominion

Fund Helps Those Facing Emergencies Who Have Exhausted Other Options

Rochester, NY – NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA, have received an infusion of cash for the companies’ Project SHARE Heating Fund from The Iberdrola USA Foundation ($400,000) and Dominion Transmission ($10,000). These funds supplement contributions of more than $200,000 from NYSEG and RG&E customers and employees over the last year.

The Iberdrola USA Foundation is a private foundation that receives funding from Iberdrola USA companies, such as NYSEG and RGE; Dominion Transmission is an interstate pipeline company that provides natural gas to parts of the NYSEG and RG&E service areas.

“In these difficult economic times when the demand for heating assistance continues to grow, we welcome these generous contributions from Dominion Transmission and The Iberdrola USA Foundation to the Project SHARE Heating Fund,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “We are also grateful for our partnership with HeartShare Human Services of New York, the administrator of the heating fund.”

“Dominion Transmission is proud to once again support the Project SHARE Heating Fund,” said Don Houser, director, state and local affairs at Dominion. “We also want to thank NYSEG for creating this important energy assistance program which has been able to provide critical support to those most in need.”

 “It takes a village—HeartShare, NYSEG and RG&E, as well as many community organizations—to help families stay warm. These generous donations totaling $410,000 and the tireless efforts of our partners ensure that more people will receive the help they need to contend with frigid temperatures this winter,” said Joseph Guarinello, vice president of energy programs at HeartShare Human Services of New York.

The Project SHARE Heating Fund assists NYSEG and RG&E customers who are facing an energy emergency and have exhausted all other funding options. Active members of the military and veterans who have been honorably or generally discharged from the military receive special consideration for Project SHARE grants.

In 2014, approximately 10,000 people benefited from Project SHARE grants:

  • 1,902 NYSEG households received $648,431 in grants.
  • 1,284 RG&E households received $445,602 in grants.
  • 352 other fuel suppliers of NYSEG and RG&E households received grants totaling $123,200. 

To make a contribution to the fund, NYSEG and RG&E ask employees and customers to consider:

  • Automatic Giving – adding a whole dollar amount to future bills.
  • Adding exactly $1, $2 or $5 to any NYSEG or RG&E bill payment.

To learn more about the Project SHARE Heating Fund, Automatic Giving and eligibility for grants:

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About NYSEG, RG&E and Iberdrola USA: NYSEG and RG&E are subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA. NYSEG serves 881,000 electricity customers and 263,000 natural gas customers across more than 40% of upstate New York. RG&E serves 371,000 electricity customers and 307,000 natural gas customers in a nine-county region centered on the City of Rochester. Iberdrola USA is the U.S. subsidiary of global energy leader Iberdrola, S.A. The Iberdrola USA companies employ about 5,000 people with operations in 24 states from New England to the West Coast, providing electricity generation, transmission and distribution, natural gas storage and distribution, and energy services. We are a team of dedicated individuals working as one to deliver value to our customers, employees and shareholders. By providing outstanding customer service and exceptional reliability, while holding safety and the environment in high regard, we aspire to be a world-class energy company. For more information, visit www.nyseg.com, www.rge.com and www.iberdrolausa.com.

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