RG&E Completes Substation Modernization in Williamson

New pre-fabricated indoor substation increases reliability for roughly 700 customers. 

Innovative solution to be implemented throughout RG&E parent company, AVANGRID

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — March 22, 2022 — Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) announced today it has completed upgrades to its Station 208 in Williamson, located on East Townline Road, as part of the company’s commitment to provide safe and reliable service to all customers. The modernization project included removing the existing 1960 vintage transformers, circuit breakers, disconnect switches, regulators and all equipment currently installed into the station, also the wood structure and existing foundations are being removed as part of the scope of this project. After the complete removal of all existing equipment, the first rural station solution was installed in Avangrid Networks, this solution consist in the installation of two compact Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and a control house pre-assembled and pre-tested into three pre-fabricated buildings in addition to this a new three phase power transformer was installed to replace the existing three single phase transformer, finally a las generation communication equipment was installed. 

Substations play a crucial role in the electrical transmission and distribution systems. One of its main functions is to lower electricity voltage so it can be easily supplied to homes and businesses through distribution lines. 

“Roughly 700 customers in Wayne County will benefit from improved reliability now that this substation has been replaced,” said Walt Matyjas, RG&E senior director, electric operations. “The indoor nature of Station 208 provides added protection for our critical equipment and enabled us to make the upgrades much faster than if we had used traditional construction methods.”  

The modernization project, which began in spring 2021, quadruples Station 208’s current capacity to meet growing local energy demand. RG&E upgraded the existing transformer with a new, more efficient transformer and replaced the entire existing outdoor substation with a pre-fabricated indoor substation that houses a new battery system and communication system, as well as other equipment. The project created a critical contingency connection with nearby substations and distribution circuits so if a local power outage occurs, Station 208 can be an alternative power source to temporarily supply power while repairs are made. 

The pre-fabricated indoor substation was installed as part of a new, innovative solution implemented by RG&E and its parent company, AVANGRID. Traditionally a substation rebuild project can take up to two to three years to build and complete. The pre-fabricated indoor substation solution significantly decreases that overall construction time by building and testing the components ahead of time – offsite. Once received at the intended construction site, they are immediately ready for installation and operation.  

The Station 208 modernization is one off the several local investments RG&E is making in its delivery system to provide additional power to meet growing demand, increase reliability, and accommodate growth and economic development in its service areas.

RG&E is a subsidiary of AVANGRID, Inc.

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About RG&E: Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E) is a subsidiary of AVANGRID, Inc. Established in 1848, RG&E operates approximately 8,800 miles of electric distribution lines and 1,100 miles of electric transmission lines. It also operates approximately 10,600 miles of natural gas distribution pipelines and 105 miles of gas transmission pipelines. It serves approximately 378,500 electricity customers and 313,000 natural gas customers in a nine-county region in New York surrounding the City of Rochester. For more information, visit rge.com

About AVANGRID: AVANGRID, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in the United States. Headquartered in Orange, CT with approximately $40 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states, AVANGRID has two primary lines of business: Avangrid Networks and Avangrid Renewables. Avangrid Networks owns and operates eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Avangrid Renewables owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. AVANGRID employs approximately 7,000 people and has been recognized by JUST Capital in 2021 and 2022 as one of the JUST 100 companies – a ranking of America’s best corporate citizens. In 2022, AVANGRID ranked second within the utility sector for its commitment to the environment and the communities it serves. The company supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2022 for the fourth consecutive year by the Ethisphere Institute. For more information, visit avangrid.com.

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Media Contact:

Julio Saenz 

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