RG&E to Bring Customer Service to Rochester Sports Complex Bookbag Drive and Clarissa Street Festival Events This Weekend

Customer service reps will help customers with billing issues, smart meters, energy efficiency

Part of the Company’s pop-up “Summer Series”


ROCHESTER, NY — August 17, 2023 — Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) will bring customer service to two community events this weekend. Customer service representatives and advocates will be at the Rochester Sports Complex’s 10th annual Bookbag Drive, and the Clarissa Street Festival on Saturday, August 19. This is a continuation of the Company’s commitment to improve customer service.

Customer service representatives and advocates will support customers by helping with billing issues, answering smart meter installation questions, addressing termination/shut off notices, aiding with new service and vegetation management requests, and providing energy efficiency information. Limited energy efficiency kits will also be handed out.

The schedule for Saturday’s events is below:

Saturday, August 19 Saturday, August 19
Clarissa Street Festival, Clarissa Street 10th Annual Bookbag Drive, Rochester Sports Complex, 460 Oak Street
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


RG&E remains committed to improving customer service. The Company will host customer service pop-up events in cooperation with local government and community organizations across the Rochester region throughout the summer.

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