RG&E Taking Steps to Alleviate Traffic Concerns During GRTA Construction in the City of Rochester

The Ginna Retirement Transmission Alternative (GRTA) is a $150 million investment in the region’s electric transmission system.

We are working to complete the project as quickly as possible to ensure that RG&E will be able to maintain reliable service in the Greater Rochester region should the owners of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant choose to close the plant in the future.

Once complete, the GRTA will enable more power to be delivered to RG&E’s system from the New York Power Authority high-voltage, cross-state transmission facilities.

The GRTA project involves major upgrades to our bulk- power substations in Greece, Henrietta, Perinton, and in the City of Rochester.

Additionally, RG&E will also need to upgrade several miles of underground electric lines and existing underground conduits and build new conduits within the City of Rochester. This will entail excavating several streets in and around the City of Rochester – including portions of University Avenue, Atlantic Avenue, Culver Road, State Street, and Lake Avenue, as well as smaller areas of work on numerous side streets within the Inner Loop area.

  • The construction road work is just getting underway. We expect it to continue through the summer and into the winter.
  • As with any type of road work, the construction will contribute to traffic disruptions during the summer construction season.
  • We recognize the inconvenience this can create for travelers and for the homes and businesses along the route, so we have taken a number of steps to reduce the inconvenience and to keep people informed: 

1. We will manage the work to maintain two-way traffic along the majority of streets throughout the project and to minimize disruptions such as detours and alternating traffic flows as much as possible.
2. We will also carefully schedule our work to minimize disruptions to morning and evening commuter travel.
3. We are working with the City of Rochester to keep them aware of our progress,
4. We are also notifying homes and business along the route one to two weeks before beginning work in their area.
5. And, we encourage people to contact us with their concerns to discuss their needs so we can work to minimize the disruption to their activities.

  • We appreciate people’s patience when passing a worksite and their care for the safety of our workers in the roadway.
  • For complete information on the GRTA, visiting rge.com. Click on the “Our Company” tab and then click on the “Ginna Retirement Transmission Alternative.   People may also leave a message on the GRTA hotline at 1.877.387.9092.


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