RG&E Seeking Proposals for Alternative Energy Service Solutions in Planning for Rochester Substation Upgrades

Rochester, NY – RG&E, a subsidiary of AVANGRID (NYSE:AGR), is seeking proposals from third-party developers and energy service companies for innovative, alternative solutions to address the need for upgrades to its electricity distribution grid in Rochester, New York. The company has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking proposals for distributed generation, demand response, energy efficiency programs, energy storage, or other resources to ensure continued reliable service to 6,500 residential and commercial customers in the area served by the company’s “Station 43” substation.  Station 43 supplies energy to the distribution grid in parts of Rochester, Irondequoit, and Penfield. RG&E issued the request as an alternative to making direct investments in its distribution system to serve the area.

“We strongly support innovative approaches to addressing reliability challenges,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “This is the second site we are evaluating for potential alternative solutions to maintain reliability, and we look forward to receiving proposals that could defer other investments in our system.”

The solicitation reflects the company’s evolution as a next generation energy company and its continuing commitment to New York’s Renewing the Energy Vision initiative. As a condition for selection, any successful proposal must meet an in-service date of January 1, 2019. RG&E encourages interested parties to contact the company by email at Station43RFP@avangrid.com no later than July 21, 2016 for information regarding pre-bid teleconference on July 22, 2016.

A complete copy of the Request for Proposals for Station 43 Substation Non-Wire Alternatives is available on the company’s website at http://www.rge.com/SuppliersAndPartners/RFP.html


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