RG&E Expands Meter Reading Schedule to Improve Customer Service

Reps will now work Sundays to help increase billing accuracy

Rochester, NY – RG&E, a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, announced today it would expand its meter-reading schedule to include Sundays. The change, effective immediately, is necessary to ensure that our customers get accurate bills based on their actual energy use. 

“This brutal winter created some meter reading challenges for us that now we have to overcome,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “RG&E is committed to minimizing the number of estimated bills we send to our customers, and that’s why we’ve decided to expand our reading schedule at this time.”

RG&E meter readers will kick-off the new schedule in Webster and Penfield this Sunday, March 15th, and expect to maintain that frequency at least until the end of 2015. All meter readers will be in uniform and carry visible identification. RG&E urges our customers never to hesitate to ask any of our employees to show ID if it isn’t in plain sight.


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