NYSEG and RG&E to Provide Bill Credit for All Customers

Part of New York State’s ongoing efforts to address energy affordability

One-time credit applied automatically

BINGHAMTON, NY — April 17, 2024 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) will use funding from New York State to apply one-time bill credits for all electric and natural gas customers as part of the State’s ongoing efforts to address energy affordability.

“We know the pressure of inflation affects every one of the more than two million customers our Companies serve,” said Christine Alexander, vice president of Customer Service for NYSEG and RG&E. “Support like this from New York State can really help families maintain financial stability.”

The bill credits will be applied automatically to an upcoming bill and will appear under the miscellaneous charges section on their bill as NYS Energy Bill Credit. NYSEG electric customers will receive $9.52 while gas customers will receive $15.66. For RG&E, $18.40 will be applied to electric customers’ bills, while $11.26 will be credited for gas customers.

In addition to this credit, the Companies offer a variety of programs to assist customers with their bills. Any residential customers experiencing difficulty paying their utility bill should call Customer Service to inquire about assistance and options.

NYSEG and RG&E have payment plans and assistance available for those who qualify. Go to nyseg.com/HelpWithBill or Help With Bill - RGE for more information about Budget Billing and assistance programs, or call us at 888.315.1755 (NYSEG) or 877.266.3492 (RG&E) for help.  

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