NYSEG and RG&E Roll Out Smart Meters Across Upstate New York

More than 265,000 smart meters installed to date

Customers with smart meters receiving bills based on actual use

BINGHAMTON, NY — December 13, 2023 — New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) today announced that more than 265,000 meters across Upstate New York have been successfully upgraded to smart meters, which provide customers with more convenience, control, and expanded choice in understanding and managing their energy use. Smart meter rollout has begun in the Ithaca, Rochester, Sodus, Brewster, and Binghamton divisions, as well as for new builds and meter replacements in other parts of the state.

“The rollout of this important technology is an example of our passion and persistence in providing the best service possible for our customers,” said Patricia Nilsen, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “I’m grateful for the tireless work of our field crews and contractors working diligently to get this game changing infrastructure investment spread across the state, and for the cooperation of our customers as we come door-to-door to perform the installations.”

NYSEG and Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) are subsidiaries of Avangrid, which has committed to installing more than 1.3 million electric smart meters and adding 600,000 natural gas modules for customers statewide. Smart meters are electric or natural gas meter modules with two-way wireless communications between the meter and the Company’s systems. They securely transmit usage and meter status data to NYSEG automatically, enabling monthly bills to be based on actual use versus manual meter reading or estimates, allowing customers better control over their energy bills.

Smart meters automatically transmit usage data, so the need for bill estimates, onsite visits, and customer meter reads is greatly reduced. They also help the Companies pinpoint and respond to outages more quickly. Moving is even easier with smart meters. In early 2024, the Companies will begin installations in NYSEG’s Lancaster division in Western New York.

For additional information on smart meters please click Smart Meters - NYSEG or Smart Meters - RGE.

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