NYSEG and RG&E Invested More Than $8.5 Million in Growing Businesses in 2014

Rochester, NY – NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA, invested more than
$8.5 million in growing businesses in 2014 through the companies’ long-standing economic development programs.

“NYSEG and RG&E have a decades-long history of supporting growing businesses through our robust economic development programs,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “By working closely with state and local economic development agencies and by offering economic development assistance, we remain committed to the economic well-being of the communities we serve.”

In 2014, NYSEG awarded approximately $5.2 million in economic development grants to growing businesses. These grants helped support approximately $323 million in capital investments and the addition or retention of approximately 2,450 jobs. NYSEG also provided more than $260,000 in rate incentives to growing businesses.

In 2014, RG&E awarded approximately $2.5 million in economic development grants to growing businesses. These grants helped support approximately $235 million in capital investments and the addition or retention of approximately 1,650 jobs. RG&E also provided nearly $600,000 in rate incentives to growing businesses.

Since September of 2010, NYSEG and RG&E have invested more than $55 million to help existing businesses expand and to attract new business investments in New York.

For more information or to apply for NYSEG economic development assistance: www.lookupstate.com or www.nyseg.com.

For more information or to apply for RG&E economic development assistance: www.lookupstate.com or www.rge.com.

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