NYSEG/RG&E Corporate Parent Lauded for Global Sustainability Policies 

Rochester, NY — Newsweek recently acknowledged IBERDROLA, the corporate parent of Iberdrola USA and NYSEG/RG&E, as the most sustainable Spanish utility and the third-most sustainable utility worldwide, according to rankings drawn up by the magazine in collaboration with Corporate Knights Capital.

IBERDROLA is also ranked as one of the top three Spanish companies with the most respect for sustainable development. The company was commended for its environmental strategies that promote technologies to reduce emissions, to increase energy efficiency, and to improve reporting on environmental progress.

“NYSEG and RG&E are proud to be part of a world-leading organization that’s long been recognized for its dedication to environmental conservation and sustainability,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “Just like our corporate parent, NYSEG and RG&E have long legacies of environmental stewardship, and we will maintain our efforts to minimize our impact on the environment as we continue to provide safe and reliable service to our customers across New York.”

NYSEG and RG&E center much of their sustainability efforts on managing nearly a dozen energy efficiency programs that reduce consumption of electricity and/or natural gas, cut carbon emissions and help recycle and reuse materials. Since 2009, when the programs started, to the end of 2013, NYSEG/RG&E energy efficiency programs have achieved annualized electricity savings of 259,246 megawatt-hours and annualized natural gas savings of 982,187 dekatherms across the state.

One of the most popular programs pays customers $50 to recycle their old refrigerators or freezers. NYSEG/RG&E expect to remove the 30,000th appliance off the grid and recycle it sometime in late June or early July. To date, this program has facilitated the recycling of 45 tons of glass, 1,875 tons of metal, 390 tons of foam/plastic and 11,250 pounds of refrigerant. 

IBERDROLA has been featured in numerous other sustainability rankings, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index, the FTSE 4Good Index, the 2013 Sustainability Yearbook, the 2012-2013 European Business Awards, and the Two Tomorrows ranking.

To see the full rankings story, click here.

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