J.D. Power Ranks RG&E #1 in Customer Satisfaction in East Midsize Segment for 2020 Residential Electric Service

Award builds on company’s commitment to put customers first and improve power reliability through localized community investments

ROCHESTER, NY — December 16, 2020 — RG&E a subsidiary of AVANGRID Inc., today announced that J.D. Power, the most recognized brand in customer satisfaction research, has ranked the company first (#1) in Customer Satisfaction with Residential Electric Service in the East among Midsize Utilities.

The rankings include 10 companies of similar size in the eastern region. News of the award comes after the company has worked to increase investments in the company’s energy infrastructure, strengthen communications with customers, enhance RG&E’s storm response efforts, and increase local support for the communities they serve.

“This ranking is a testament to our efforts to create a customers first mindset across the organization and to make the investments necessary to provide increased value to our customers,” said Carl A. Taylor, President and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “Connecting with the communities we serve is a vital part of our strategic mission. Whether it’s investing in our local energy infrastructure to improve the reliability of service, or supporting local food banks during the ongoing pandemic, RG&E is a committed partner in the Rochester area. I’d like to thank our employees, customers and communities who helped make this award a reality.”

RG&E’s commitment to provide safe, reliable service to all of its customers includes increased investments in local infrastructure to proactively harden the company’s systems against harsh weather and enable an efficient and effective response when outages do occur. Additionally, the company conducts maintenance tree trimming work on approximately 1,100 miles of distribution lines each year to prune or remove trees and vegetation that could come into contact with its power lines.

As a longtime member of the Greater Rochester community, RG&E also regularly supports local non-profits and organizations. In 2020, this included a donation of $200,000 to support Rochester-area emergency response organizations and food banks’ COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.

Additionally, to support customers facing hardships as a result on the COVID-19 situation, RG&E has created a $13.5 million COVID-19 relief program to support residential and small business customers. The program will provide automatic $100 bill credits to customers who qualify for the program.

Combined with having among the lowest electric delivery rates in the state, RG&E’s efforts to strengthen the quality of service has generated significant value for its more than 375,000 electric customers.

Visit J.D. Power to learn more about their 2020 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study.

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