Invest Plan Benefits

RG&E Customer Benefits

Our rates have been stable since 2012, and even with the requested increases, RG&E will still offer some of the lowest residential delivery costs and residential bills among the state’s major utilities.

Consumers will benefit from more than $2 billion in investment over the next four years. We will use the added revenues to enhance the safety and reliability of our systems, and to expand innovative programs for consumers as our companies – and the utility industry – embrace new technology and offer more choices to consumers.

Through our collaboration with key parties, we are proposing a range of benefits:

  • Improve the safety of our natural gas service by accelerating the replacement of aging natural gas mains.
  • Support the Energy Smart Community project, an innovative program using technology and consumer engagement in the Ithaca region.
  • Expanding our rebate program to help more customers take advantage of natural gas service, and new funding options to expand our natural gas system to serve new communities.
  • Expand our assistance for low-income customers.

For most residential electricity and natural gas customers, the total bill will increase about 2% to 3% per year under the Joint Proposal.

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