Iberdrola USA Foundation and RG&E Sponsor Free Music at Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival

The first of ten shows on the RG&E-LiDestri Spirit Stage starts on Sunday


Rochester, NY – Once again, the Iberdrola USA Foundation and RG&E have teamed up with Lidestri Foods to give Rochester music fans ten free shows on the Spirit Stage located in the RG&E parking lot (Chestnut Street and East Avenue) during the 14th annual Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival.

“RG&E and our parent company, Iberdrola, have long histories of supporting the arts and giving back to Rochester and the other communities where we serve,” said Mark S. Lynch, president and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “We’re  delighted to be a part of this grand festival right here in our ‘front yard’ and happy to provide free music to Rochester.”

Hard Logic kicks off the lineup at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Sunday June 21st.

This is the fifth year RG&E has hosted the free music in its parking lot. “The Spirit Stage is a great venue, and I get a kick booking multi-genre, high energy acts to go in there,” said John Nugent, XRIJF producer and artistic director. ”It’s a nice break for the patrons to sit inside, grab a beverage and listen to some great musicians from the region.”

The Rest of the Schedule:
Monday, June 22 Significant Other – 7 and 9 p.m - Tuesday, June 23 Jimmie Highsmith – 7 and 9 p.m - Wednesday, June 24 Roses & Revolutions – 7 and 9 p.m - Thursday, June 25 Teagan & the Tweeds – 7 and 9 p.m..

See the full schedule and other details here: http://www.rochesterjazz.com/venues/?venue_id=38

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