Avangrid Foundation Steps Up to Help Greater Rochester Habitat for Humanity After Burglary

RG&E’s parent company donates $10,000 to local nonprofit after theft at Garson Ave build site

RG&E employee volunteers to get family in new home by holidays

ROCHESTER, NY — September 27, 2023 — After a recent burglary at Greater Rochester Habitat for Humanity’s build site on Garson Avenue, Avangrid, parent company to Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E), has made a $10,000 donation to the charity, to replace what was lost and support the organization’s overall efforts to provide affordable housing to families in need. 

“Our employees had just completed a build day at the Garson Ave. site earlier this month when we heard about the burglary,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “Our team immediately stepped into action, securing funds from the Avangrid Foundation to make the nonprofit whole after the theft, schedule additional build days for our employee volunteers, and make sure this family gets into their home as planned.”

The Avangrid Foundation is a national partner with Habitat for Humanity. Families who qualify for Habitat for Humanity homes put in their own sweat equity in developing these properties and agree to repay a mortgage through an affordable playment plan. 

“Avangrid has long been a supporter of Habitat here in Rochester. However, this gift, this support means so much,” said Matthew Flanigan, president and CEO, Greater Rochester Habitat for Humanity. “A theft like we experienced can leave one feeling a bit deflated and a gift like this not only replaces the materials lost, but lifts one’s heart as well. Together we continue to build a better future, one home at a time.”

RG&E is planning another build day at the site in October, during International Volunteer Week. This volunteer project is in addition to projects NYSEG and RG&E have completed at Habitat for Humanity homes in Buffalo and Elmira recently.

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