Pole Attachment Services

Pole Attachment Services


Joint Use of Plant (JUOP) provides a single point of contact for all who wish to establish access to Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) infrastructure.

JUOP is responsible for:

  • Attachment agreements*
  • Surveys of existing attachments
  • Oversight of billing and collections for all the above services

*Please be aware that many utility poles are jointly owned by both RG&E and the telephone company, and therefore approval for the installation must also be obtained from the telephone company servicing your area before installation is undertaken. Please contact the appropriate telephone company regarding its policies or requirements for pole attachments.

Contact Us


Get Started:

  1. Temporary Banner Attachment Licensing Process

    All decorative attachments to utility poles require RG&E prior written approval. Licenses for decorative temporary attachments, such as seasonal lighting and other temporary attachments (flags, banners, etc.) will be issued, without a fee, provided all requirements have been met.

    PLEASE NOTE THAT ATTACHMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES AND SIGNS POSTED BY INDIVIDUALS ARE PROHIBITED. Any attachments that have not been licensed or are deemed to be unsafe may be disconnected or removed.

    There is no charge for the License Agreement. However, if an electrical connection is needed, a connection fee is required for all new electric services and the applicant will be responsible for energy usage.

    Please click the applicable link below to view procedures and sample permits, download a banner permit application and more.

    1. Banner Permit Procedure
    2. Banner Permit Application
    3. RG&E Banner Permit Template
    4. RG&E Holiday Lighting Permit Template
  2. CATV/CLEC Wireline Attachment Licensing Process

    The Joint Use of Plant department assists in processing and administering agreements that involve the joint use of utility poles and conduit between RG&E, telephone, CATV, CLEC and private companies within our service territory.

    Please click the applicable link below for more information.

      1. Pole Attachment Agreement Instructions
      2. New York Wireline Pole Attachment Application
      3. Policy Statements on Make Ready
      4. Creating Google Earth Maps from Avangrid Pole Application
      Joint Use will consider transmission attachments on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Joint Use for further information.
      1. Q&A - Transmission Pole Wireline Attachment Guide
      1. CATV and CLEC Pole Attachments Rental Rate
      2. RGE - NYSEG Joint Pole Space Assignments
      3. RGE - NYSEG CATV Pole Mounted Power Supply
      4. OTMR Communications Vendor List
      1. Conduit Agreement Instructions
      2. Conduit Application - Exhibit A
  3. Wireless attachment licensing process
    1. Wireless Pole Attachment Agreement Instructions
    2. New York Wireless Pole Application
    3. New York Wireless Standard and Specifications
  4. Unit Pricing
    1. Pricing Form Located Here
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