PSC 18
PSC No. 18 - Electricity
For your convenience, we have placed the entire Tariff online
Part I: Territory to Which Schedule Applies
Part II: Rules and Regulations
- Definitions and Abbreviations
- How to Obtain Service
- Extension of Company Facilities
- Metering and Billing
- Termination of Service
- Liability
- Customer Inquiries and Complaints
- Application Forms
- General Retail Access
- Rate Adjustment Mechanism (RAM)
- Clean Energy Standard (CES)
- Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER)
- Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM)
- Earnings Adjustment Mechanism (EAM)
- New York Power Authority (NYPA) Program to Contribute to Existing Economic Development Customers and Serve New Governmental Entities
- Non-Wire Alternatives (NWA)
- Electric Vehicle ("EV") Make Ready Surcharge ("EV Surcharge")
- Arrears Relief Program Surcharge
Part III: Service Classifications
Please note, the most recent statement listed is the statement that is currently in effect which supersedes the other statements listed.
- ARP - Arrears Relief Program Statements
- CES - Clean Energy Standard Statements
- DISC - Purchase of ESCO Accounts Receivable (POR) Discount Statements
- DLM - Dynamic Load Management Statements
- EAM - Earnings Adjustment Mechanism Statements
- EVS - Electric Vehicle Make-Ready Statements
- MFC - Merchant Function Charge Statements
- OTH - Late Payment Charge and Other Waived Fees Surcharge Statements
- RAM - Rate Adjustment Mechanism Statements
- RDM - Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Statement
- SBC - System Benefits Charge Statements
- TCS - Transition Charge Statements
- TSP - Tax Surcharge Percentages Statements
- VDER-CR - Value of Distributed Energy Resources Cost Recovery Statements
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